The Messenger

The Messenger, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 30"

The Messenger, acrylic on canvas, 24 x 30″

This turtle has been wanting to be painted for a while. I started this piece a little over a month ago. As some of you may know, I had an accident around that time. I was walking my dog on a pedestrian trail near my house when I slipped on a patch of ice and broke my ankle. This is why I haven’t posted in a while.

Source images of red sea turtles have been taped up on my art room wall well before my accident. I’ve had a long time to think about him. When I first filled in his outline on the canvas I felt like I was in over my head, but I got into a great painting zone and after half the night, I was happy with how he turned out. I’m really enjoying a totemic approach to animals these days.

In terms of process, as an experiment while making this piece, I took progress photos every time I took a break. This turned out to be a great technique for me, since I changed my mind a few times about the way I painted the sky as well as the peak. It was by looking back at previous images that I was able to determine what I really wanted.

It’s kind of amazing how many hours went into this piece. In the past I might have been more frustrated at the time it took to create. Now however, with more experience, I am no longer as impatient with my work. That’s something great that’s come to me through this accident – patience. I hope I don’t lose sight of it when I’m walking again.

Hope you enjoy.

Black Fish

acrylic on canvas, 16x20

acrylic on canvas, 16×20

Friday night I watched a documentary called Black Fish. It’s a really moving documentary about the dysfunctions that develop in Orcas when kept in captivity By extension they spoke of the injuries and deaths of Orca trainers over the past 40 years. They spoke a bit about the intelligence of Orcas. Apparently they have a  highly evolved sense of communal intelligence.

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about these animals and the pain that we put them through for our whims. This painting came from thinking about free Orcas. There’s something quite magical about them. I hope I’ve captured a sliver of that beauty.

Clouds and Oceans

This painting is just over a week old. It’s so different in colour and tone than my previous work I wasn’t sure it was done. I’d leave the studio and think – ‘Nah, it’s not done – it needs more to it’, and then I’d come back in, look at it and change my mind. I actually really enjoy it. Hope you do too.

24 x 36 acrylic on canvas


24 x 36, acrylic on canvas

24 x 36, acrylic on canvas

This piece reminds me of the hiking trips my friends and I used to take to a small abandoned island off of Trinidad called Chacachacare (Chac for short- pronounced Shack). It’s named after those magical times. In a larger sense the piece is about love – an earthy, wholesome and universal kind of loving.

In the photo you don’t get some of the dark blues and greens, nor any of the texture. Below is a zoom in of the people since you can’t really see them on the photo above.

up close

up close

Thanks for tuning in.

Star Mandala

I made this one today. This morning started with a wash of anxiety but instead of giving in to it I decided to try another mandala. It was a great exercise in focus and calm, taking about 5 hours to do.

I really enjoy generating the symmetrical forms with corresponding sizes and geometry. The solid black ring is the ocean to me and the eyes maybe personify the ocean as well as reflect my love of sea gazing. Overall I think the piece represents the kind of harmony I’ve experience out here between myself , the ocean and the larger world around me.

I know people can be pretty wierd about 5 pointed stars but I don’t actually ascribe to those beliefs so no Christian occult undertones are implied here. I just like the geometry.

Hope you enjoy