Seagrape Grove

I started doing an Art class a three weeks ago with Alan Daniel, a local artist here in Kitchener. He’s a great teacher and an amazing artist. I’ve learned so much in just a couple of weeks. It’s nice working in a studio environment again.

The first week I went, I started looking at different types of abstract composition and different techniques of composition. I decided to try out a somewhat abstracted landscape, from a photo taken by a friend. The second and third week I worked on colour and form, building the piece with a mind for broadening my colour palette to incorporate more subtle hues than I’m accustomed to. I’m happy with the result. I’ve done other  abstracted landscapes but they have mostly been from memory or my imagination. This was at times quite challenging but having the photo helped keep me focused.

acrylic on canvas, 16 x 16"

acrylic on canvas, 16 x 16″

This piece is called Sea Grape Grove. There are so many tropical beaches that are fringed by this kind of landscape. In particular this piece reminds me of Back Bay in Tobago, where I have always loved the room like spaces created under the sea grape trees.