Button Factory Arts, Artist Alley 2014

Artist Alley 2014, Button Factory Arts

Artist Alley 2014, Button Factory Arts

Last weekend I took part is my first Art Market, hosted by Button Factory Arts in Waterloo. For my table I prepared prints at 8 x 10” as well as smaller ones for cards. Also avaialble were bits of jewelry I’ve made in the past year or so.

Overall, it went really well. On Friday there was a great turn out, though on Saturday we were mostly rained out. That was sad because there were so many things due to go on downtown that day (The Jazz festival, the Open Street project and our Artist Alley).

Nevertheless, I met some great artists and got to talk shop. That’s been a rarity for me thus far and I thoroughly enjoyed it. For those who did come out, I was able to share my work and get some great feedback. It’s an amazing feeling to have people engage with my work. There were a few people who were really moved by some of the pieces and that really blew me away. Rained out or no, the experience was totally worth it.

Coming out of the art market, a fellow artist recommended that I start a Saatchi profile and get some work on there. Following her advice, I’ve now done so.

You can see my Saatchi gallery at:


When you visit the site you can purchase original art or prints as well as share, comment and favourite pieces. The website really is a great resource and a window into a wide range of work from around the world.


Lisa at Artist Alley 2014

Lisa at Artist Alley 2014